Sunday, August 11, 2013

Goodbye Hangzhou!

I apologize for not updating within the last week. I wanted to enjoy as much of Hangzhou as I could before I left. Right now, I am sitting in a hotel room in Chicago by myself. At this time, some of the NSLI-Y kids have already reached their respective states, while others are probably on their connecting flight back home right now. My flight back to Hawaii isn't until 10 a.m. tomorrow, so I figured I'd give a short update now. A more in-depth account of the past 2 weeks will come within the next week or so while the memory is still fresh in my mind. More pictures will also come as well, since I can access Blogspot now!

Today was just...emotional. Many tears were shed and many hugs were given. I miss Hangzhou and China so much right now. I miss my host family, teachers, friends, host institution, Chinese ice cream, Chinese buses, and so much more. Don't get me wrong...I am excited to go back home and see my family/friends...but six weeks is just way too short. If only the trip was a little longer...

But this won't be the last time I will be in China. I promised my family and friends back in Hangzhou that I will come back one day, and I intend to keep that promise (Sander even said: "You know you'll always be welcomed in my house"). I will miss (I already do) everyone from the trip, but I know we'll all see each other again in the future(: (LA reunion next year, wooo!)

Until next time,

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